Mauritz Orlinski

Hello, I'm Mauritz.
Welcome to my website.

I am a computer science student at the technical university Munich, and this is my personal website where you can explore further about me and my ongoing projects.

Want to contact me?

My Projects


Map generation based of Pictures, Depth and the Position

Github Repository

SebDiReNN - Selfbuild Digit Recognition Neural Network

A simple neural network to recognise digits from the MNIST-Dataset

GitHub Repository


A Chess-Bot written in Java based on mini-max Algorithm with alpha-beta pruning

Currently Private

Epidemiological Simulation of the spread of a virus

A simulator and visualization of the spread of a virus in a homogen population

Currently Private

Deadfish Interpreters

A collection of interpreters for the esolang Deadfish

GitHub Repository


A website to make sorting visually appealing


Junior student (Schülerstudent)

HHU Düsseldorf

2021 - now

Abitur (Comparable to A-Levels)

Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Kaarst

Received 2023

A few things about me...

Age: 18

Full Name: Mauritz Paul August Orlinski

Country: Germany

Interests: Computer Science, Mathematics, Computer-based Physics, Philosophy


Sports: fencing, chess

Languages: german (Native), english (C1)

Programming Languages and Technologies

Icon of python
Icon of java
Icon of c
Icon of LaTeX
Icon of R
Icon of javascript
Icon of html5
Icon of css
Icon of tailwindcss
Icon of linux
Icon of markdown
Icon of windows

Who am I?

I have just finished my Abitur (A-Levels) in Germany and will start studying at the technical university of Munich in October. I am currently using my free time to work on my own projects and to learn new things. During my school time, I have competed in multiple competitions, such as the German science fair (Jugend Forscht), a students founding competition (Jugend Gründet) or the German Computer Science Olympiad (BwInf) and won prizes in all of them. I also accomplished my junior studies in Computer Science and Mathematics at the HHU (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) where I already finished multiple courses.

Why am I interested in computer science

My passion for computer science and mathematics stems from a deep fascination with physics and our quest to comprehend the world around us. It was through the realm of computer simulations in physics that I discovered my eagerness to develop my own simulations. This journey led me to delve into mathematical models within physics and delve into the fundamental principles of computer science. At the age of 13, I embarked on a self-guided journey of learning Python, utilizing a book I stumbled upon on Amazon. As I delved into Python, my thirst for knowledge in computer science and mathematics grew rapidly. Despite struggling with math during my school years, I found myself gradually developing a genuine appreciation for it. Through self-teaching, I had the opportunity to explore the subjects that captivated me, ultimately leading to remarkable improvements in my academic performance.



Competed in multiple tournaments (state and nationals)

Currently fencing for the SG Kaarst


Playing for the SG Kaarst